Well done.
Religious people normally have a set of rules to live by: obey God and his human representatives at all cost.
Atheists do not have such a set of rules to obey. Each one decides for him/herself what action to take, including participating (or not) in any religious activity.
Even when put to the stand, threatened with death, religious folks may not deny the existence of their God because that means forsaking Him (although enough religious people would be ok with forsaking God to save their life, because they feel He knows they still believe in Him anyway)
But for an atheist in most cases stating that he does believe in some God or another to save his life is a no-brainer. It's similar to agreeing that the green car is actually red. No divine beings' feelings will be hurt.
And since it's of no celestial spiritual eternal concequence, an atheist can say a prayer if that makes an old sick man feel better...*
*) This is not a rule in the Atheist Bible....it's my own conclusion that applies to my life ;-)